Aktualizácia je k 1.6.2022
Feed a Ukrainian family!
Why do refugees need bread and pastries?
Po dlhodobom a dennodennom kontakte s deťmi, matkami a seniormi utekajúcimi pred vojnou v snahe zachrániť svoj život vieme, že po pečive siaha až 80% utečencov v Košiciach. Pečivo a chlieb sa osvedčili najviac pre ich trvanlivosť a hygienickú konzumáciu.How will my money be used?
All funds collected in this way will be used exclusively to cover the costs associated with the production of bread and pastries of the UNI Košice bakery for people from Ukraine fleeing the war. At the same time, all contributions will be published in our transparent account.WHY SHOULD I HELP?
K dnešnému dňu už pekáreň UNI ľuďom utekajúcim pred vojnou na Ukrajine venovala niekoľko desiatok tisíc kusov pečiva a chleba.
We will be grateful for any help from the individuals or companies joining our project. Thanks to your help we can continue to provide assistance to families who have been forced to flee their homes.
Your support will help feed Ukrainians fleeing the war in an effort to save their own lives.
You are helping refugees in Košice. SOS UKRAINE 2022, Hot spot called Čéháčko, which is visited by several thousand people a day, Railway Station, but also several smaller pick up points, where refugees, charities etc. are accommodated.
Pekáreň UNI darovala deťom, ženám a seniorom utekajúcim pred vojnou na Ukrajine niekoľko desiatok tisíc kusov pečiva a chleba. Chceme pomáhať aj naďalej, avšak v takomto objeme to už naďalej na vlastné náklady nedokážeme. Práve preto, že vieme aká je táto pomoc potrebná, sme sa rozhodli hľadať riešenia, ako pomáhať aj ďalej. Po zverejnení našej výzvy nás oslovilo niekoľko ľudí a firiem, ktoré nám v tejto dôležitej činnosti chceli pomôcť a tak sme sa rozhodli s pomocou priateľov a nadšencov vytvoriť projekt chliebpreukrajinu.sk
It was necessary to prepare foods that are rich, have a long shelf life - thus are not subject to rapid spoilage and do not need to be stored in the cold. Pastries have proven to be the best choice in the long run from a logistical as well as from a hygienic point of view. One can simply take the wrapped pastry on the road and not consume it immediately. Up to 80% of people fleeing the war use this option.
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